It's shocking to look at the little date in the corner of my computer screen and see the year 2025. We've officially moved into science fiction years people! As I look back on this year, one common line runs through every change and update: our library community. Truly, we wouldn't be where we are without you.
In particular, the Oostburg Public Library would like to thank:
The Village Board, for recognizing the library's value and approving a hefty budget increase along with the funds for our new carpet. We're working hard every day to ensure you see an impressive return on this investment.
The Friends of the Oostburg Public Library, for funding our top-notch summer reading program (including our first ever Summer Writers Series!), along with funding the new shelving in the adult's area, which has allowed us to expand our collections and define a dedicated YA space.
The friends and family of Diane Kitelinger. We lost a cherished member of the library community in 2024, but in asking her loved ones to donate to the Oostburg Public Library in lieu of flowers, her generous spirit lives on. These donations helped us expand our Playaway collection of audiobooks to include titles for adults.
Chuck and Pat Ingles, for their generous donation of Barb Ingles's expansive library and their continuing support of the library. The proceeds from the book sales that we held directly contributed to the new bookshelves and helped to get the ball rolling on that project.
The Doug Shuit Memorial Fund, Serenity Farms, Steve's Painting, J. Rogers Construction, and Bookworm Gardens for continuing to sponsor our Experience Passes.
As a Public Library, it is our mission to serve our community. We are incredibly lucky to be part of a community that offers us so much support in return.